Trip Reports

Bottom of Coopers Rocks Falls
    Today was overcast most of the day, and we had a couple short down pours. Sam and I drove down to Beaver Hole, an area of woods next to Coopers Rocks. Our goal was to hike over to  Coopers Rocks, and find the bottom of a set of water falls that we had found last year. The top section had one large drop, fallowed by several 10 to 15 foot drops. We found them by hiking down from the top of Coopers Rocks, and we knew that their were more to them down below. So we figured hiking up to it would be easier this time.
     We were happy to see that the falls actually went right down to the river. After walking up the hill just a few hundred yards, we started to see some nice medium sized falls. The rain we have had the last couple days was a double edged sword. There was a good flow of water due to the rain, but it was also an overcast day, and not the greatest conditions for photos.
     Here is a view from the river.

     This is a shot looking up the first part of the stream.

     We were almost half way up to the bottom section we wanted to see, when it started to rain pretty good. Luckily, there was a small overhang, just large enough for Sam and me to get under. We didn't really mind though, the rain didn't last long, and we has a great view.

     I liked this section, which was about half way up. The rock had a different color and texture to it, and the water made it look really nice.

    This was a really great view, the hillside was eroded in a curved shape. This is a shot from on top the set of falls in the above photo.

     You can tell winter has finally left us, trees budding, and the flowers are already soaking up the sun.

     We tried to get a shot, showing how steep this area is, but photos just never do it justice.

    This is a shot looking back at Sam. I thought that tree trunk, or what was left of it, looked really cool.

     We made it to the bottom of the main falls, its only about half the height of the top of the falls, but was still worth the hike. Here's a shot with Sam standing under the falls.

    Here are a few more shots from the bottom of the falls. It felt great kicking back there and taking a break. There was a soft breeze and the mist off the falls felt great.

    Sam was able to get a few good shots of the actual water drops. I was surprised the camera was able to focus on them.

     We enjoyed the hike, it was our first hike in quite a while actually. We have all been pretty busy, and at least all my spare time has been going toward ATV riding. Was good to get out again, but I am going riding again next weekend.

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